Chi-Square, Cramer's V, and Lambda
For a Rows by Columns Contingency Table

For a contingency table containing up to 5 rows and 5 columns, this unit will:
perform a chi-square analysis [the logic and computational details of chi-square tests are described in Chapter 8 of Concepts and Applications];
calculate Cramer's V, which is a measure of the strength of association among the levels of the row and column variables [for a 2x2 table, Cramer's V is equal to the absolute value of the phi coefficient];
and calculate the two asymmetrical versions of lambda, the Goodman- Kruskal index of predictive association, along with some other measures relevant to categorical prediction. [Click here for a brief explanation of lambda.]
To begin, select the number of rows and the number of columns by clicking the appropriate buttons below; then enter your data into the appropriate cells of the data-entry matrix. After all data have been entered, click the «Calculate» button.

Select the number of rows: 
  2     3     4     5  
 Select the number of columns: 
  2     3     4     5  

Data EntryQ
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Totals
Chi-Square df P
Cramer's V =
Percentage DeviationsQ
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
Standardized ResidualsQ
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
Lambda for predicting Standard
.95 CI Limits
Lower Upper
A from B:
B from A:
[Click here for a brief explanation of lambda.]

Estimated Probability of Correct Prediction
when Predicting:
  A without knowledge of B   
A from B   
  B without knowledge of A   
B from A   
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