From an Observed Sample: Estimates of Population Prevalence, Sensitivity, Specificity, Predictive Values, and likelihood Ratios
Values entered:
document.write(' | Condition
| Totals
| Absent
| Present
Test Positive
| '+tabx1[0]+'
| '+tabx1[1]+'
| '+tabx1[2]+'
Test Negative
| '+tabx1[3]+'
| '+tabx1[4]+'
| '+tabx1[5]+'
| '+tabx1[6]+'
| '+tabx1[7]+'
| '+tabx1[8]+'
| | | | |
document.write(' | Estimated Value
| 95% Confidence Interval
| Lower Limit
| Upper Limit
| '+tabx2[0]+'
| '+tabx2[1]+'
| '+tabx2[2]+'
| '+tabx2[3]+'
| '+tabx2[4]+'
| '+tabx2[5]+'
| '+tabx2[6]+'
| '+tabx2[7]+'
| '+tabx2[8]+'
For any particular test result, the probability that it will be:
| '+tabx2[9]+'
| '+tabx2[10]+'
| '+tabx2[11]+'
| '+tabx2[12]+'
| '+tabx2[13]+'
| '+tabx2[14]+'
For any particular positive test result, the probability that it is:
True Positive
| '+tabx2[15]+'
| '+tabx2[16]+'
| '+tabx2[17]+'
False Positive
| '+tabx2[18]+'
| '+tabx2[19]+'
| '+tabx2[20]+'
For any particular negative test result, the probability that it is:
True Negative
| '+tabx2[21]+'
| '+tabx2[22]+'
| '+tabx2[23]+'
False Negative
| '+tabx2[24]+'
| '+tabx2[25]+'
| '+tabx2[26]+'
likelihood Ratios: [C] = conventional [W] = weighted by prevalence
Positive [C]
| '+tabx2[27]+'
| '+tabx2[28]+'
| '+tabx2[29]+'
Negative [C]
| '+tabx2[30]+'
| '+tabx2[31]+'
| '+tabx2[32]+'
Positive [W]
| '+tabx2[33]+'
| '+tabx2[34]+'
| '+tabx2[35]+'
Negative [W]
| '+tabx2[36]+'
| '+tabx2[37]+'
| '+tabx2[38]+'
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Clinical Calculator 1
From an Observed Sample: Estimates of Population Prevalence, Sensitivity, Specificity, Predictive Values, and Likelihood Ratios
a sample of subjects cross-
classified according to whether a certain condition is present or absent, and according to whether a test designed to indicate the presence of that condition proves positive or negative, this page will calculate the estimated population midpoints and 95% confidence intervals for
- prevalence of the condition;T
- test sensitivity (conditional probability that the test will be positive if the condition is present);T
- test specificity (conditional probability that the test will be negative if the condition is absent);T
- predictive values of the test (probabilities for true positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative); andT
- positive and negative likelihood ratios.T
To proceed, enter the observed frequencies for each of the four cross- classifications into the designated cells, then click the «Calculate» button. To perform a new analysis with a new set of data, click the «Reset» button.
| Estimated Value
| 95% Confidence Interval
Printable Report
| Click this link only if you did not arrive here via the VassarStats main page.
©Richard Lowry 2001-
All rights reserved.
Technical Note on Calculation of Confidence Intervals
95% confidence intervals for proportions (which include all but the last four of the above) are calculated according to the efficient-score method (corrected for continuity) described by Robert Newcombe, based on the procedure outlined by E. B. Wilson in 1927. As Newcombe notes in his 1998 paper, the familiar Gaussian approximation
is ill suited to situations where the proportion is quite small, as is often the case with prevalence measures, or quite large, as is optimally the case with measures of sensitivity and specificity.
Newcombe, Robert G. "Two-Sided Confidence Intervals for the Single Proportion: Comparison of Seven Methods," Statistics in Medicine, 17, 857-872 (1998).
Wilson, E. B. "Probable Inference, the Law of Succession, and Statistical Inference," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 22, 209-212 (1927).
Definitions of likelihood Ratios:
Conventional Positive:
| =
conditional probability of positive
test result if the condition is present
conditional probability of positive
test result if the condition is absent
| =
Conventional Negative:
| =
conditional probability of negative
test result if the condition is present
conditional probability of negative
test result if the condition is absent
| =
Positive [weighted for prevalence]
| =
probability that a positive
test result is a true positive
probability that a positive
test result is a false positive
| =
Negative [weighted for prevalence]
| =
probability of false negative result
probability of true negative result
| =